New Resource Available for Library Directors & Trustees: The Public Library Compensation Toolkit

Jun 11, 2024

Public Library Compensation Toolkit Cover.pngA new resource is now available on the State Library website to help assess and plan for equitable compensation for library positions in Iowa.

The Public Library Compensation Toolkit provides library boards, directors, and staff a resource to understand the value a position provides to the local community and establish a basis for determining the fair market value of a position.

The need for a toolkit addressing library compensation was developed as part of the State Library’s 5-year strategic plan, with an aim to reduce staff turnover in libraries, encourage fair and competitive compensation, and provide a go-to resource for directors and library boards when evaluating staff positions.

The Toolkit is available on the State Library website and provides a link to the main toolkit document as well as supporting documents, including the Job Analysis Questionnaire and Job Description example and template. The webpage also includes links to titles on similar topics available from the State Library’s Library Science Collection that librarians can request to borrow via interlibrary loan. Additional resources from the State Library, other Iowa agencies, and the federal government are also listed on the Toolkit page.

The Toolkit was developed in partnership with Segal, a benefits and human resources consulting firm. Segal prepared the toolkit documents and is also in the process of training State Library District Consultants on implementing the toolkit and additional strategies to support equitable pay for library staff. The project was paid for by federal funding the State Library receives from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Access the Toolkit at the link below or also reach out to your District Consultant for further assistance.

Public Library Compensation Toolkit