ARSL Conference Grants
The State Library of Iowa is excited to announce grants to four Iowa libraries to allow a librarian on staff to attend the 2024 Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL) Conference in Springfield, MA, September 11-14, 2024. Each grant offers up to a $1,500 reimbursement for registration, hotel, and transportation.
The purpose of the grants is to help Iowa libraries improve library service to their communities through continuing education and training for library personnel. The ARSL Conference is especially relevant to the majority of Iowa libraries, which serve populations under 2,500.
The grants will be issued to the library (not the individual traveling) in the form of a reimbursement of up to $1,500. Other incidentals, such as meals, will need to be covered by the library or the employee. Because the conference is in the northeast, costs are anticipated to be at least $2,000 this year. The library will pay the upfront costs and submit receipts to the State Library for reimbursement of the following items:
- Registration: Scholarship recipients will be eligible for the Early Bird member rate of $295.
- Hotel: The cheapest conference rate lodging is $169 plus taxes & fees.
- Transportation: Travel to/from conference (air or train) & ground transportation to and from the airport/train station to the conference site. Parking at and ground transportation to and from the home airport/train station may also be included.
These competitive grants have a short application form which will require a paragraph (200 words or less) explaining why you want to attend, what you hope to get from the conference and how you plan to share the information with your institution and the wider library community.
Applicant Considerations
Special consideration will be given to:
- Library Tier Status (must be at Tier 1 or above).
- Attendee has support of library board and/or director.
- Attendee would be going to the conference for the first time.
- Length of time working at library (two years or more preferred).
- Attendee is willing to participate in a webinar panel following the conference.
- Libraries that currently have a budget to cover additional costs.
- Librarians who have been endorsed at the State level.
Apply for the grant at the link below by Friday, May 31 at 4:30 p.m. CST:
2024 ARSL Conference Grant Application The grant application is now closed.
2024 Grant Awardees
Congratulations to the four libraries awarded 2024 ARSL Conference Grants!
- Eldora Public Library
- Marcus Public Library
- Mount Pleasant Public Library
- Malvern Public Library
Library staff members that attend the conference will take part in a webinar panel in late October to share their takeaways and ideas. Watch the CE Newsletter for more information and registration information this fall!