The Great IA Shares Bag Count Results Are In!

Jun 06, 2023

The Great IA Shares Bag Count News Item Graphic.pngOn May 25, the State Library invited public libraries to participate in the first Great IA Shares Bag Count to inventory the number of filled and empty IA Shares bags in libraries to help estimate how many bags have been decommissioned due to damage or normal wear and tear.

The count was an overall success, with 409 libraries responding to the online form with their bag counts. Thank you to all the libraries that took the time to count and report their numbers!

Count Day Results:

  • Number of filled bags in libraries: 1,801
  • Number of empty bags in libraries: 16,596
  • Grand total of IA Shares bags: 18,397

We also wanted to share a couple of “honorable mentions” for libraries with the most bags on hand:

  • Camanche Public Library had the most filled bags with 44.
  • Bondurant Public Library had the most empty bags with 250.

Prize Drawing Winner

Finally, libraries that submitted their bag numbers to the form were entered into a drawing for a prize pack of books as well as a few other surprises.

Congratulations to Rippey Public Library for winning the drawing! The prize pack will be making its way to your library very soon via – you guessed it – IA Shares!

More about IA Shares