2024 Learning Circuit: Trending Technology and the Future of Your Library

Throughout 2024 we’ve discussed how “Libraries are Forever.” We’ve seen how partnerships, sustainability, and thinking “green” all lead to the long-term success of libraries. With the Learning Circuit, we’re going to pivot to discuss technologies that are already leaving lasting impacts on libraries of all sizes. 

Our morning will open with a keynote address from Librarian Philip Carter highlighting the evolving role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in library services. He’ll cover the basics of AI and what to watch for in this quickly-evolving field. In the afternoon, we’ll have a chance to try our hand at using AI to create material and do a fun workshop that will make us more AI-Savvy in the real world.

Virtually every library and library worker will be impacted by AI at some point in the near future. This event will help you feel more informed and prepared for changes to come. 

As in previous years, we’ll have national experts Zoomed in to set up the topics for us, and your District Staff will be on hand to guide you through the hands-on workshop portions of the day.

Date: Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024 | 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Librarians can earn 5 CE credits for attending the Learning Circuit.


Each district will host a location for the Learning Circuit to ensure librarians across the state have the chance to attend.

 Northwest  North Central  Northeast

 Western Iowa Technical College
 200 Victory Drive
 Cherokee, IA 51012

 Clear Lake Public Library
 200 N 4th St.
 Clear Lake, IA 50428
 Central Rivers AEA (Cedar Falls)
 1521 Technology Pkwy.
 Cedar Falls, IA 50613


 Southwest  Central  Southeast
 Carroll Public Library
 118 E. 5th St.
 Carroll, IA 51401
 Ankeny Kirkendall Public   Library
 1250 SW District Dr.
 Ankeny, IA 50023
 North Liberty Public Library
 520 W Cherry St. 
 North Liberty, IA 52317


 Time Activity Speaker/Facilitator
 9:00 - 9:15   Registration  
 9:15 – 9:30  Welcome   State Library Staff
 9:30 – 11:15   Opening Keynote & Discussion  Phillip Carter
 11:15 – 11:30   Break  
 11:30 – 12:15  Writing AI Prompts Workshop  District Consultant
 12:15  – 1:00  Networking Roundtable Lunch  
 1:00 - 1:15   Break  
 1:15 - 2:15  Misinformation Escape Room & Discussion  District Consultant
 2:30 - 3:15   Keynote: The Ethics of AI  Reed Hepler
 3:15 - 3:30  Wrap-Up, Conclusion, and Dismissal   State Library Staff


Additional Details:

Morning Keynote:

AI: The Library Timesaving Superhero
Phillip Carter

Learn how you can use AI in ways that will make your library more efficient! Saving you valuable time and streamlining workflows.

Full Session Description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming library services by saving valuable time. This program will highlight different AI technologies and tools that can be integrated into library services to automate mundane tasks and streamline workflows. Learn about AI-powered solutions that can assist with tasks such as policy writing, press releases, social media posts, and much more! Discover how AI can help you spend more time on meaningful interactions with users and enhance the overall user experience. This program is ideal for those looking to improve their efficiency and productivity with AI technology but have been too overwhelmed (or even scared) to start. 

Afternoon Keynote:

The Three Cs of AI-Generated Content: Copyright, Citation, and Circumspection
Reed Hepler

A short presentation and brief discussion about the implications of existing copyright law on AI, citation best practices and trends, and quality-and data-confidentiality ethics best practices.

Full Session Description

Many users of AI, especially first-time users, have grave misunderstandings regarding the ethical boundaries of generative AI use. In terms of intellectual property and content generation, the three Cs to remember are Copyright, accurate and thorough Citation, and Circumspection regarding privacy and confidentiality policies and quality checking generated content. This discussion will feature several examples of each of these ideas and discuss these ethical principles and how they relate to education.

Notable examples, such as Zarya of the Dawn, Theatre D'opera Spatial, and the Sony World Photography Awards, will be discussed and used as touchstones for broader discussion. In a similar way, a privacy harms model and citation examples will be used to facilitate discussions.

Users in all fields will need to consider various ethical principles no matter what type of content they are creating or analyzing with generative AI tools.

The three biggest "takeaways" from this presentation will be:
   Takeaway 1: -- Models and ideas for creating citation norms for institutional and personal use.
   Takeaway 2: -- Discuss the necessary components of confidentiality and quality checking materials.
   Takeaway 3: -- Discuss the implications of copyright law and intellectual property concepts.

About the Presenter

Reed Hepler is a digital initiatives librarian, instructional designer, artificial intelligence practitioner and consultant, and M.Ed. student at Idaho State University in the Instructional Design and Technology program. He obtained a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science, with emphases in Archives Management and Digital Curation, from Indiana University. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in History with minors in Anthropology and Religious Studies as well as a Museum Certificate. He has worked at nonprofits, corporations, and educational institutions encouraging information literacy and effective education. Combining all of these degrees and experiences, Reed strives to promote ethical librarianship and educational initiatives.

Currently, Reed works as a Digital Initiatives Librarian at a college in Idaho and also has his own consulting firm, heplerconsulting.com. His views and projects can be seen on his LinkedIn page or his blog, CollaborAItion, on Substack. Contact him at reed.hepler@gmail.com for more information.