Official State of Iowa Website

Space Utilization Grants

Space Utilization Grants Status

The Space Utilization Grants program is on an indefinite hiatus beginning FY25.

The State Library began offering Space Utilization grants in 1994. Since then, hundreds of Iowa libraries have received one of these grants to help use library space more effectively and efficiently. The State Library now plans to review the grant program and while on hiatus offer additional training opportunities on space planning that will be open to more librarians statewide.

The State Library is excited to offer in-person Space Planning Workshops led by David Vinjamuri at three locations this October:

  • Monday, Oct. 21: Spencer
  • Tuesday, Oct. 22: Altoona
  • Wednesday, Oct. 23: Coralville

Read the announcement and register now!

The State Library allocates federal funds to provide Iowa public libraries subgrants for consulting services on better utilization of the existing library space. These grants reimburse fees for professional advice from impartial consultants who provide guidance and recommendations to library directors, city officials and the community about use of existing space. The library space utilization grants have been funded by the State Library since FY94.

Grants of up to $3,000 will be awarded as funds are available. A library may only receive one library utilization grant.

Grant Timeline

The FY24 Space Utilization Grant application period will open on Monday, Nov. 6, 2023 in Up to six grants will be awarded to public libraries. The grant period will close Sunday, Mar. 31, 2024 or when six grants have been awarded. Grant projects must be completed by the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2024.

Eligible and Ineligible Uses

Grants may be requested for the following consultation services:

  • Space Needs Assessment: Consultant will help make the best use of the current space in the library, and determine the area needed for the library's programs and services.
  • Building Program Review: Consultant will assist the library in writing and/or reviewing the library's building program statement.
  • ADA Compliance Evaluation and Planning: Consultant will advise on the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for libraries.

LSTA funds for library utilization consultation may NOT be used for the following services:

  • Architect or engineer services
  • Equipment, installation, or implementation of the plan
  • Library furnishings
  • Fundraising
  • Written summary of project activities or outcomes
  • Written evaluation of the impact of the project on customer service

Staff Contact

For more information or questions, contact Jay Peterson.

IMLS LogoSpace Utilization Grants are supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the State Library of Iowa.