Official State of Iowa Website

Learning Circuit 2021 (Virtual Event)

Sep 30, 2021, 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Join us Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021 for the State Library Learning Circuit in a virtual format: a morning keynote followed by an afternoon workshop. All to be held over Zoom.

The day’s topic will focus on customer service, with the hour-long webinar in the morning featuring a keynote speaker. Following the keynote, the workshop portion will encourage librarians to picture how patrons experience the library in order to identify challenges and ways to improve.

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About the Learning Circuit

The Learning Circuit has been a staple of the State Library Continuing Education calendar for many years. Formerly known as "Town Meetings," the goal of the Circuit is to offer in-depth educational opportunities from trainers representing national initiatives, innovative programs, trends in library services and more.

2021 Keynote: Implementing Trauma-Informed Principles in Your Library

Trauma-Informed Care started in the healthcare field, but there is a lot to being trauma-informed that can equip libraries to best serve our complex communities. A trauma-informed library is a place where the perspectives of people who have experienced trauma are honored, and one that provides positive spaces, services, and work culture. All the decisions we make are opportunities for retraumatization or healing; so we might as well make them deliberately! Explore the six principles of trauma-informed care, and how we can implement them in libraries.

Presenter Bio

Bryce Kozla is a Youth Services Librarian at Washington County Cooperative Library Services in Oregon, and a trained facilitator in Trauma-Informed Oregon's "Foundations of Trauma-Informed Care." The presentations Bryce is giving in September will draw on these resources, other research, and lived experience as a disabled librarian with a background in trauma. You can find Bryce's writings on these topics and more at

Afternoon Workshop:

“User experience” (UX) is a customer service term often used in the business world. Our afternoon workshop will apply some UX principles from our morning keynote. District consultants will guide you through putting yourself in your patrons’ shoes. We’ll talk about designing experiences to meet patron needs in any size library. An applied, hands-on workshop will help you problem solve as you strive to create positive experiences in your library. Come network with fellow librarians to benefit from the concepts discussed in this engaging workshop and guided discussion.

District Event